Summary | Probes | Probe Cards | Equipment | Accessories

4 1/2" Probe Cards
Accuprobe stocks a large number of industry standard 4 1/2" rectangular probe cards for thick and thin film, semiconductor, optical, MEMS and related applications. These cards incorporate edge or cable connectors from 48 to 160 pins and support centers of rotation from short (3.4") to XXL (6.65"). Styles for use with cantilever z-adjustable or blade probes as well as epoxy ring and bar are available. Most cards can be routed to suit the size of the device under test.

6 1/2" Probe Cards
The 6 1/2" series of rectangular probe cards are the perfect solution for fixed pattern probe test fixtures for hybrid circuit test applications. The probe cards typically provide 48, 70, 100 or 120 pin edge connectors. Rectangular or round cutouts can be routed in the card to suit the device and thin or thick stiffeners are applied to provide additional card rigidity and extend the operational life of the card.

Chip Resistor Probe Cards
Accuprobe chip resistor probe cards support all chipR formats from the chip resistor industry from the 1206 to the miniscule 201. Cards are available to suit all of the major chip resistor laser trim equipment suppliers including ESI, GSI, Rigel, and NEC.

Round Probe Cards
Accuprobe has available a range of round probe cards with 2" or 4" diameters supporting from 48 to 140 hypertac pin connections. Most cards have power and ground rings to allow common probes to be conveniently bussed to their respective destination.

Parametric Test Probe Cards
Accuprobe can now manufacture and offer to Keithley customers probe card assemblies for the S400, 600 and 900 Parametric Test Systems. A full range of probe cards including Ceramic Blade, Epoxy-Ring, and Coax- Epoxy can be supplied. Customers are assured that critical parametric measurements necessary for superior wafer test yield are obtainable with the Keithley and Accuprobe combination.