Summary | Probes | Probe Cards | Equipment | Accessories

Probe Assembly Stations
The PCAM series of probe card assembly machines provide a convenient and economical capability to assemble a wide range of fixed pattern probe cards. Accuprobe has applied a clean functional design approach that provides maximum utility and uncompromising precision. Two sizes of probe card assembly machines provide a wide range of motion for the precise manipulation of the probes allowing probe placement not only for perimeter contact pads but also on the more difficult devices with complex internal contact pad locations.

Planarization Assembly Station
Accuracy in probing is what the Accuprobe name is all about. The PTS-100 is an excellent example for ease of use, rugged reliability, and high level accuracy in a compact independent package. An available option for the PTS is the PLD-100 planarization display which provides a convenient display to monitor probe contact when measuring or adjusting the probe planarization of a probe card assembly. The display significantly enhances the planarization maintenance aspect of probe card care by allowing the user to visually verify the simultaneous contact of all probes to the reference plane and quickly identify high or low probes.