Summary | Probes | Probe Cards | Equipment | Accessories

Probe Card Holders
Accuprobe cardholders have long been the preferred option for theta adjustable probe card holders for ESI laser trim systems. These plug compatible cardholders allow reduced setup times, faster device changeover, and increased throughout. The newly released Accuprobe ESI-43xx series cardholder includes the position saver theta adjustment dial and a choice of one set of rails. The existing ESI interface board can be used in the new cardholder. Probe card board rails are compatible with the rails used in Accuprobe's 2544 cardholder for series 25, 40 and 80 laser trim systems.

Cleaning Materials
RESISTOX is a probe tip cleaner used to abrasively clean probe tips. RESISTOX disks are manufactured using 2 micron silicon carbide abrasive on a 4.0" diameter 2 mil thick, polyester film. RESISTOX is available as either RESISTOX-10 (10 Disks) or RESISTOX-20 (20 Disks).